Archive and “inbox zero”

A big new feature has been added today: we have an archive now.

I have been a big fan of the approach of the archive right from the start. To have a big but well-indexed bag of all your messages, and an inbox of actionable messages, i.e. messages that need an action from your part. Merlin Mann publicized the “inbox zero” concept.

Well, the archive is now available at When you are on your main dashboard, you see your inbox. When a message is expanded, there is a archive button on the top right of the message. It stands for “flush this message into the archive (and get out of my inbox!)”. The message is immediately removed from the inbox and stored in your archive.

There is a link at the bottom of the message list that lets you “view archive”. When you are in your archive, you can move messages back into your inbox with the unarchive button on the top right of the message.

Whenever you search your messages through the “magic field” at the top right of your page, all messages (inbox and archive) are searched.

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