Engage Your ningo.me Address

Redirect Email

Once you have your ningo.me account, you have your paid-for email addresses. Now how do you get people to start using those addresses? There are many ways to spread the word about your new ningo.me address. This can be through your own website or social media, or you can contact others through your paid-for address.

And there is another way: You can redirect incoming email from your previous email addresses to your ningo.me address!

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First copycat sightings [UPDATE]

UPDATE after some good chatting with Ivan, Ilya, and Ryan → more

ningo.me has brought you a true innovation over a year ago: email postage. As mentioned in previous posts, it is not easy to usher in a paradigm shift.

One thing that helps moving forward is when copycats start working for you. They start their own public relations for the same unthinkable feature, and people start looking out for the kind of service – they start realizing there is a marketplace.

Continue reading “First copycat sightings [UPDATE]”

Rethinking Email Filtering

email filter

Here’s another one of the revolutionary aspects of ningo.me for you:

Putting a price tag on your email address will turn the tables on email filtering. The recipient can profit from the sender’s knowledge, and the sender can influence the recipient’s filter.

When people first hear or read about ningo.me, they often immediately (or only) recognize the recipient’s benefit of earning money. Some also see the effect of getting less emails (for good or bad).

Yet no-one seems to immediately realize the impact on information distribution. The sender invests hard currency to influence the delivery of the message. This gives the recipient a reliable indicator of how important the message and the recipient are to the sender.

Continue reading “Rethinking Email Filtering”

Moral Concepts, Business Models, And Scams

fairness, morals, business model

I have promised to share some of the tough points to get across while selling the ningo.me idea, and here’s a next one:

Not everything that mentions the word “money” online is automatically a scam. ningo.me is based on an honest, fair, and transparent business model.

One of the key parts of ningo.me’s vision is to bring value to online activities. To let internet users appreciate each other’s time, expertise, and attention. It does so by linking those aspects of life with money.

Continue reading “Moral Concepts, Business Models, And Scams”