Engage Your ningo.me Address

Once you have your ningo.me account, you have your paid-for email addresses. Now how do you get people to start using those addresses? There are many ways to spread the word about your new ningo.me address. This can be through your own website or social media, or you can contact others through your paid-for address.

And there is another way: You can redirect incoming email from your previous email addresses to your ningo.me address!

The basic scenario:

  1. You receive an email through your previous (non-ningo.me) email address. For whatever reason, you want this sender to have to pay you for your attention.
  2. You redirect the email to your ningo.me address.
  3. The email will be treated by ningo.me as if it were directly sent to the paid-for address by the original sender. The original sender will be asked to pay to get the message delivered.

It is important to note it says “redirect” instead of “forward”. We usually “forward” emails. When Bob receives an email from Alice and forwards it to Jennifer, Jennifer really receives an email from Bob with some original content from Alice in the message body.

However, Bob can redirect the message from Alice to Jennifer. Jennifer will receive an email that looks as if it was directly from Alice.

Here are some tutorials on how to redirect email in various email clients:

This is a good way to bootstrap your ningo.me email addresses. You will learn a lot about how much people who contact you value your time and attention.

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