UPDATE on 2014-07-02: ningos and ningo thingies are a thing from the past – in come real currencies!
After early user feedback, we have decided to perform a site-wide rename of central terms at ningo.me.
Since the two major features of ningo.me are the multiple “identities” or “addresses” you can maintain within a single account, and the “postage” or “fee” you can levy on visiting or contacting your ningo.me handles, there are two very important entities:
- An entity consisting of an email address, a profile page, and a contact form.
- A virtual currency or credit unit for platform-specific transactions.
Initially, it felt fun to create a whole new language and give those things imaginative names. However, now that real usersĀ are on the platform, we realized that we should stick to terms as regular as possible – no matter how boring they seemed to developers working on those entities day in and day out…
So here we go:
- An “Address” or a “ningo.me address” is now used for the identity (they were formerly called “ningos” – or even “doors” before that). “Address” won out against beautiful things like “face”, “identity”, “reality”, “possibility”, “window”, “gate”, “portal” and many more.
- A “Ningo” is now used for the ningo.me currency (today’s “ningos” were formerly called “ningo thingies“). This one was pretty clear, though alternatives seemed to be “points”, “credits”, “ningo dollars”, “coins” or others.
The language files and documentation pages were all reviewed, and please do comment or contact us if you see remains of the old “ningo.me language”!
What do you think of the rename?